Last tuesday i was accompany my mom went to Jakarta to take my sister after her school program. We took my sister in Kidzania. Its a place where we liked to be our dreams, so when we were in there, our dreams felt came true. After that we went to the mall and my mom had a shopping, while me and my sister was playing and looking around, we was looking for some food. After that I realized that we were separate from my mom, we was panic because i didn't bring my phone. But fortunately i found my mom was shopping. The night was coming, my mom already done her shopping. and we went to Bandung again with many traffic jam. It took four hour to come back home. It has been a long day. I was happy to accompany my mom.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Question of Grand Canyon
1. Where is Grand Canyon?
a. in the state of arizona
b. in the state of brizona
c. in the state of crizona
d. in the state of drizona
e. in the state of erizona
2. How is the size of Grand Canyon?
a. 12,934 km2
b. 12,934 hm2
c. 12,934 dam2
d. 12,934 m2
e.12,934 cm2
3. Where is Grand Canyon?
a. Indonesia
b. England
c. United States
d. Dubay
e. Paraguay
4. Who is the first europan that have viewed Grand Canyon?
a. García López de Cárdenas
b. upin bin ipin
c. hazzardo de lopezzo mantabho
d. edanno cakazzo
e. delopezz marquentino
5. When did he arrived?
a. 1540
b. 1541
c. 1542
d. 1543
e. 1544
a. in the state of arizona
b. in the state of brizona
c. in the state of crizona
d. in the state of drizona
e. in the state of erizona
2. How is the size of Grand Canyon?
a. 12,934 km2
b. 12,934 hm2
c. 12,934 dam2
d. 12,934 m2
e.12,934 cm2
3. Where is Grand Canyon?
a. Indonesia
b. England
c. United States
d. Dubay
e. Paraguay
4. Who is the first europan that have viewed Grand Canyon?
a. García López de Cárdenas
b. upin bin ipin
c. hazzardo de lopezzo mantabho
d. edanno cakazzo
e. delopezz marquentino
5. When did he arrived?
a. 1540
b. 1541
c. 1542
d. 1543
e. 1544
Question of Hansel And Gratle
1. What is the name of the two children?
a. usep and ningsih
b. hansel and gratle
c. jajang and wahyu
d. uping and iping
e. dave and siti
2. Where was she left hansel and gratel?
a. pasar baru
b. garden
c. forest
d. sea
e. gas station
3. What did hansel drop on the way to the forest?
a. bread crumbs
b. rock
c. paper
d. pants
e. phones
4. What did they saw on the forest?
a. cottage
b. trees
c. rock
d. river
e. animals
5. Who was live in the cottage?
a. witch
b. dwarfs
c. chicken
d. no one
e. all is right
a. usep and ningsih
b. hansel and gratle
c. jajang and wahyu
d. uping and iping
e. dave and siti
2. Where was she left hansel and gratel?
a. pasar baru
b. garden
c. forest
d. sea
e. gas station
3. What did hansel drop on the way to the forest?
a. bread crumbs
b. rock
c. paper
d. pants
e. phones
4. What did they saw on the forest?
a. cottage
b. trees
c. rock
d. river
e. animals
5. Who was live in the cottage?
a. witch
b. dwarfs
c. chicken
d. no one
e. all is right
Global Citizen
Historically human beings always have organized themselves into groups and communities based on shared identity. Such identity gets forged in response to a variety of human needs - economic, political, religious, and social. As group identities grow stronger, those who hold them organize into communities, articulate shared values, and build governance structures that reflect their beliefs.
Today the forces of global engagement are helping some people identify themselves as global citizens, meaning that they have a sense of belonging to a world community. This growing global identity in large part is made possible by the forces of modern information, communication, and transportation technologies. In increasing ways these technologies are strengthening our ability to connect to the rest of the world: through the internet; through participation in the global economy; through the ways in which world-wide environmental factors play havoc with our lives; through the empathy we feel when we see pictures of humanitarian disasters, civil conflicts and wars in other countries; or through the ease with which we can travel and visit other parts of the world.
Those who see ourselves as global citizens are not abandoning other identities; such as allegiances to our countries, ethnicities, and political beliefs. These traditional identities give meaning to our lives and will continue to help shape who we are. However, as a result of living in a globalized world, we find we have an added layer of responsibility. We have concern and a share of responsibility for what is happening to the planet as a whole, and we are members of a world-wide community of people who share this concern.
The values being proposed for the world community are not esoteric and obscure. They are the values that world leaders have been advocating for the past 100 years. They include human rights, religious pluralism, gender equity, the rule of law, environmental protection, sustainable worldwide economic growth, poverty alleviation, prevention and cessation of conflicts between countries, elimination of weapons of mass destruction, humanitarian assistance, and preservation of cultural diversity.
Since World War II efforts have been undertaken to develop global policies and institutional structures that can support these enduring values. Such efforts have been made by international organizations, sovereign states, transnational corporations, NGOs, international professional associations and others. They have resulted in a growing body of international agreements, treaties, legal statutes, and technical standards.
Yet, despite such efforts, we have a long way to go before there is a global policy and institutional infrastructure that can support our emerging world community and the values it stands for. There are significant gaps of policy in many domains, large questions about how to get countries and organizations to comply with existing policy frameworks, and issues of accountability and transparency. Most importantly, from a global citizenship perspective, there is an absence of mechanisms that enable greater citizen participation in the growing number of institutions practicing global governance.
Governance at the global level, for the most part, is in the hands of the representatives of sovereign states and technocrats. Global governance organizational leaders are usually distant and removed from those that their institutions serve. Therefore most people feel disconnected and alienated from the global governance arena, making it difficult to build a sense of grass-roots community at the global level.
There is an urgent need for a cadre of citizen leaders who can play activist roles in forming world community. Such global citizenship activism can take many forms, including: advocating, at the local and global level, for policy and programmatic solutions that address global problems; participating in the decision-making processes of global governance organizations; adopting and promoting changes in behavior that help protect the earth’s environment; contributing to world-wide humanitarian relief efforts; and organizing events that celebrate the diversity in world music and art, culture and spiritual traditions.
Instinctively, most of us feel a connection to others around the world facing similar challenges to ourselves, yet we lack adequate tools, resources, and support to act on this emotion. Our ways of thinking and being are still colored by the trapping of old allegiances and ways of seeing things that no longer are as valid as they used to be. Nonetheless, there is a longing to pull back the veil that keeps us from more clearly seeing the world as a whole, and finding more sustainable ways of connecting with those who share our common humanity.
Source: https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/ron-israel/what-does-it-mean-to-be-global-citizen
Source: https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/ron-israel/what-does-it-mean-to-be-global-citizen
Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona in the United State. It is contained within and managed by Grand Canyon National Park, the Hualapai Tribal Nation, the Havasupai Tribe and the Navajo Nation. President Theodore Roosevelt was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, and visited it on numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy the scenery.

For thousands of years, the area has been continuously inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves. The Pueblo people considered the Grand Canyon ("Ongtupqa" in the Hopi language) a holy site, and made pilgrimages to it. The first European known to have viewed the Grand Canyon was García López de Cárdenas from Spain, who arrived in 1540.
Matswapati is an event made by the students of SMAN 3 Bandung, the event is different with another event in other school. Matswapati was keep the culture of indonesia, so the performance theme was culture of Indonsia. Many people visited Mtaswapati even the students of another school. Lot of food there from the indoneisan food until the food from another country. Matswapati began at 7am until 8pm. People willing stand for many hours only for watched the performance of Matswapati event. and there is the best guest star, it was glenn fredly, people was more and more. The last performance was from Debus Api. Its like performance full of fire and its very interesting.
Hansel And Gratle
A poor woodcutter and his wife had two children named Hansel and Gretel. Their mother died when they were young. Hansel and Gretel were very sad. Soon their father remarried but their stepmother was very cruel. One day, she took the children deep into the forest and left them there. Clever Hansel had some breadcrumbs in his pocket and had dropped them on the way so that they could find their way back home. Alas! The birds ate all the crumbs and they couldn’t find the path that led back home.
Hansel and Gretel went deeper and deeper into the forest. They were hungry and tired. Finally, after walking for a long time, they saw a cottage made of chocolate, candies, and cake. “Look, Hansel! A chocolate brick!” shouted
Gretel in delight and both ate it hungrily.
Now, a wicked witch lived there. When she saw Hansel and Gretel, she wanted to eat them. She grabbed the children and locked them in a cage. The witch decided to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first. She began boiling a huge pot of water for the soup. Just then, Gretel crept out of her cage. She gave the wicked witch a mighty push from behind and the witch fell into the boiling water. She howled in pain and died instantly. Hansel and Gretel found treasure lying around the cottage. They carried it home with them. Their stepmother had died and their father welcomed them back with tears of joy. They never went hungry again!
My Friends
Im different with other people, people sometimes only have one best friend, but me, I have many best friends. Friends that always together, when we are having fun or when we are sad. I spent so much time with my best friends, we like to hang out, telling story, making jokes, and other.
When i feel stress and sad i always find my best friend to share it all, you have to trust that sometimes sharing our problems with our best friends makes us better, its just like the problem is begin to decrease. After I share it my best friends always give me an advice, what and how to do to find the best way.
We make a group of our friendship, we always together if we go anywhere. It seems like a group of zebras, always go anywhere together. I love my best friends
Hello friends! I want to introduce myself. my name is Muhammad Sulthan Rashif, but just call me sulthan. I was born in bandung 4th February 2000. I was born from a couple of Abdul Hafiz as my dad and Endah Sri Rahayu as my mom. My dad is a lecturer and my mom is employee of a private company. I have a little sister, her name is Jasmine. Im the first child in my family.
Now, I study at SMAN 3 Bandung, its the best Senior High School in Indonesia. Im very proud be the student of SMAN 3 Bandung.
I always fill my spare time with swimming, listening to musics, and playing guitar. I very love music, i feel that music is the flavor of the life, so without music, life is just like a food without flavor. Once that you should to know, many people like to read, but not with me, i hate reading even the book is full color and full of picture, and i cant study with reading too, if i study i would rather listen and watch.
By the way, i have a very big dream. I want to continue my study at Institut Teknologi Bandung, and be a mining engineer. I always dream live in Dubay be the king of gold and oil.
Thank you.
Now, I study at SMAN 3 Bandung, its the best Senior High School in Indonesia. Im very proud be the student of SMAN 3 Bandung.
I always fill my spare time with swimming, listening to musics, and playing guitar. I very love music, i feel that music is the flavor of the life, so without music, life is just like a food without flavor. Once that you should to know, many people like to read, but not with me, i hate reading even the book is full color and full of picture, and i cant study with reading too, if i study i would rather listen and watch.
By the way, i have a very big dream. I want to continue my study at Institut Teknologi Bandung, and be a mining engineer. I always dream live in Dubay be the king of gold and oil.
Thank you.
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